Day 28 – Three weeks at sea

After three weeks at sea it’s so encouraging to see the daily mileages continuing to climb.

Ocean’s Elite have been considering shaving their Captain Birdseye beards off but have decided against it…for now. They have been very vigilant about not complaining at any time about the struggles they’ve been facing but it’s clear that the level of hygiene and cleanliness it’s possible to achieve on an ocean rowing boat has been one thing which has certainly irritated the crew. The constant levels of moisture in the cabin combined with the goop of dead skin cells, hair, sun cream, salt, condensation and sweat has lead to them feeling dirty most of if not all of the time. This is far from uncommon and is one reason why one of the first thing rowers want to do on arrival is to have one of the longest showers ever witnessed. Although when crews are finally in contact with their loved ones the desire for a shower is driven just as much by loved ones pushing them towards the shower as their desire for cleanliness.

Rowing Stones are expecting a visitor today. They know someone who is taking on the challenge of sailing across the Atlantic this winter. They’re not part of a race and aren’t pushing for a specific time so the chance to meet up with a crew rowing the ocean offers them an exciting opportunity to break up the monotony of a wave being the only thing on the horizon. The chance to see a friendly face will be a moment cherished by both rowers and sailors.

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