Friendship • Per Mare

Mission Atlantic

adventure • Friendship • discovery

Mission Atlantic Rowing Logo

Mission Atlantic

Mission Atlantic is not a race, it’s so much more. An opportunity for those who have served to come together, forging bonds of fraternity and friendship. All whilst taking on a challenge of staggering proportions, and raising thousands of pounds for charity.

WHERE • ARE • tHEY • now

Crew Tracker

comrades • colleagues • brothers

Meet the Crews for 2024

what • are • They • up • to

Latest News

Day 50

Day 50

We’ll cover Ocean’s Elite’s arrival in their own post but we haven’t forgotten about Rowing Stones at all. They continue to battle on superbly…

contact • us

Interested In Taking Part?

If you have served in or currently serve in the military and would like to discuss how you can help rowers in their current campaigns, or are interested in knowing more to take part in the next iteration of the event. Drop us a line below, we would love to hear form you.