Day 35 – Week 5 completed
It’s five weeks since the crews departed Gran Canaria. Since then they have
Electrical, mechanical, physical, mental, emotional, wind, wave, ocean current, nutritional, heat, sun exposure. Crews have overcome so many different types of challenges thrown at them by the ocean over the last 35 days and they have come out gleaming so far.
The crews have been chatting back and forth on their InReach devices but are still just out of VHF range. It’s surprisingly difficult to meet another vessel in the middle of the ocean when you’re both restricted by the waves and wind and have a limited amount of power onboard to change the direction of the boat. Will they eventually meet up? Who knows? Rather than heaping on expectation, we’re going to just wait and see if they can meet up.
Rowing Stones have been realising that they might have a little bit too much food which is significantly contributing to the weight onboard. It seems that in general they’ve been struggling to eat all their rations and so there is now a locker full of excess food. This isn’t a bad thing though and having personally been on a rowing boat and needing to ration food I can confirm that I’d rather have too much rather than not enough.
Ocean’s Elite have also been looking at ways to reduce weight onboard. However, with a boat weighing in at 350kg before the rowers and food gets added four or five kilograms doesn’t really make much of a difference physically but it will make a big difference mentally. If you think the boat is light then it will feel light and fast. If you think it will be slow and heavy, it will be slow and heavy. Mental fortitude is so important right now. Thankfully mental strength is something which our crews have is massive capacities. They can overcome anything.