Day 25 – Getting into gardening
With steady, but not super strong, weather the crews have entered a period of what Rowing Stones have named as “gardening”.
We are actually what we have called “gardening”, the feeling of ploughing the ocean that is extremely heavy manual work with the oars. Yesterday way a 49 mile day with a 2 hour NYE party but we hope to get a few 50+ miles days in a row.
Rowing Stones
We want all crews to enjoy the experience but a little bit more power would lead to a fraction more speed, which would result in a crossing which is a week less in total. We’ve always known that the crews second half will be faster than their first half as the boat gets lighter and the weather stops being against them. Having said all of this though it’s getting to the time when we need to crews to start making some more miles. The time for parties is over. The time for the grind has begun.