Day 29 – Bread and waves
Rowing Stones have had an absolutely unique evening on the water yesterday. We’ve been in contact with a crew who were sailing across the Atlantic departing from Gran Canaria just after Christmas and knew a few of the rowers in the Rowing Stones team. As a sailing boat they are a lot faster than the rowers and have quickly caught them up. Last night they finally found Rowing Stones.
We can only imagine how exciting it was for the Rowing Stones as a friendly vessel came to say hello. And we’re left wondering how quickly the bread was devoured. What would you do if you were thrown a loaf after 3 weeks on an ocean rowing boat? Would you try and ration it and make it last as long as possible with a series of sandwiches over the next few days, or would you eat it all up as quickly as possible?
As for Ocean’s Elite they continue to make excellent progress in these steady conditions and eyes are starting to turn towards Barbados. It’s still a bit early to be planning for arrivals as a small change in the crews’ speed or a change in conditions as a low pressure passes the crews and stops them from making progress can still make a massive difference to when they arrive.